Online Gaming &
Cryptocurrency Consulting.
Where details matter...
Obtaining a license for your Online Gaming or Cryptocurrency business can be an excruciating process. With over 40 such licenses behind us we understand the challenges.
Get in touch...
Copyright 2021 | All Rights Reserved | Nestegg OU (Estonia) | Nestegg Vending SLU (Spain) | NESTEGGâ„¢ is our Registered Trademark in the E.U.

Our Services
Services are flexible depending on the outcome you have in mind.
Our past expertise cuts through Software Development, Gaming Operations (both Land Based and Online), Corporate and SME Compliance of Gaming, Cryptocurrency and AML/CFT Compliance as well as years of Corporate and SME Operational and Strategic management.
If you have a question please ask.
Nestegg Vending SLU
We in the process of setting up a network of Nesteggâ„¢ Branded Bitcoin ATMs across Spain, to be operational in mid 2022 (www.nestegg.es).
Capital Raises
For the right firm we can assist in raising debt-free capital, without diluting your equity position in your company.
Operational Issues
Have a specific company goal to achieve and want to use outside expertise to achieve it, talk to us about our on retainer consulting services.
Our Companies

Nestegg OU
This website is operated by Nestegg OU an Estonian registered consulting company in the Online Gambling / Cryptocurrency Compliance space (www.nestegg.io).